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Research Progress
LIU Chunming's group deciphered the machiney underling the zygote activation in plants
( 2016.04.14 )
Flavone synthases from Lonicera japonica and L. macranthoides reveal differential fl...
( 2016.03.10 )
Why Flowers Look so Different: Scientists Make Progress in the Flexibility of Floral...
( 2015.12.10 )
New Findings in the evolutionary mechanism of molecular regulation in floral symmetry
( 2015.11.20 )
Dr. Jinxing Lin's Group Reveals Shutoff Control of the Ammonium Transporter AMT1;3 t...
( 2013.08.07 )
Important Progress was Made in the Epigenetic Regulation of Seed Dormancy in Arabido...
( 2013.03.25 )
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