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Research Progress
Oxidative Damage of Mitochondrial Proteins Contributes to Fruit Senescence: A Redox ...
( 2009.07.10 )
Combined Proteomic and Cytological Analysis of Ca2+-Calmodulin Regulation in Picea m...
( 2009.07.10 )
Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organizat...
( 2009.07.10 )
Proteomic Analysis of Oil Mobilization in Seed Germination and Postgermination Devel...
( 2009.07.10 )
A new plant species brought to light in Sichuan
( 2007.03.20 )
Progress in studies of plants in the family Schisandraceae
( 2006.05.10 )
Studies show Mu Us Desert advances more than 120m each year
( 2005.01.05 )
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