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Research Progress
Researchers discovered the molecular mechanism of petal blotches formation on tree p...
( 2019.01.25 )
Scientists reveal the structure of photosystem I-light harvesting supercomplex by cr...
( 2018.04.12 )
New progress on molecular mechanisms of cadmium accumulation in sweet sorghum by Res...
( 2017.09.19 )
How do plants response to stress?
( 2016.12.06 )
New epigenetic regulator of seed dormancy and germination: Histone deacetylase bindi...
( 2016.12.02 )
Researchers Found Chloroplasts Function as Essential Sensors of High Light to Regula...
( 2016.09.07 )
Dr. QIN Feng’s group found ZmVPP1 gene contributes to drought tolerance in maize se...
( 2016.08.12 )
New progress on Tibetan permafrost carbon inventory by Prof. YANG Yuanhe’s group of...
( 2016.06.12 )
Novel metabolic mechanism underlying the adaptation of chilling tolerance in rice —...
( 2016.05.31 )
JIN Jingbo's lab characterized a molecular mechanism by which SUMO modification regu...
( 2016.05.18 )
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