One Enzyme, Two Distinct Functions,Scientists Uncover a Novel Role of a Tetrapyrrole...
( 2014.01.17 )
Dr. Chaoying He's Group Uncovered New Functional Divergence Pattern of GLOBOSA Dupli...
( 2014.01.08 )
Dr. Xiao-Quan Wang Appointed as an Editor of MPE
( 2013.12.12 )
Publishing Director from Global Academic Publishing of Oxford University Press Visit...
( 2013.11.27 )
A US Delegation Visited Institute of Botany
( 2013.11.26 )
Korea Delegation Visited Institute of Botany
( 2013.11.14 )
Sino-German Symposium “Biodiversity Ecosystem Functioning Research in Subtropical F...
( 2013.11.14 )
Dr. Qin’s Group Identified That a Maize Gene, ZmDREB2.7, Greatly Contributes to the...
( 2013.10.15 )
Dr. Shanjin Huang's Group Revealed that Arabidopsis Actin Depolymerizing Factor7 Pro...
( 2013.09.22 )
A New Insight into the Regulation of Auxin Spatial Accumulation and Organ Morphogene...
( 2013.09.11 )
Dr. Kang Chong's Group Found that Genes Regulating Photosynthesis Undergo Rapid Chan...
( 2013.09.10 )
Dr. Kang Chong's Group Found a Novel Mechanism That Conformation Changes of Protein ...
( 2013.08.08 )
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