Daniel Fay of Microsoft[g1] Research Asia Institute visited Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBCAS) on March 18. Prof. Keping Ma, the deputy director of Biodiversity Committee (BC-CAS) hosted the meeting.
Keping Ma delivered a brief introduction on the progress of China biodiversity informatics and the technical challenges it’s facing. Dr. Zheping Xu of Center of Documentation and Information of IBCAS reported the progress on the National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII), Asia Biodiversity Conservation, and Database Network (ABCDNet). Daniel Fay introduced escience program and the newly developed software Zoo Tracer. They had a deep discussion on how to promote cooperation on data sharing and project applications, and hoped to establish cooperation partnership on data and software exchanges.

Daniel Fay of Microsoft[g1] Research Asia Institute visited Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBCAS) on March 18. Prof. Keping Ma, the deputy director of Biodiversity Committee (BC-CAS) hosted the meeting.
Keping Ma delivered a brief introduction on the progress of China biodiversity informatics and the technical challenges it’s facing. Dr. Zheping Xu of Center of Documentation and Information of IBCAS reported the progress on the National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII), Asia Biodiversity Conservation, and Database Network (ABCDNet). Daniel Fay introduced escience program and the newly developed software Zoo Tracer. They had a deep discussion on how to promote cooperation on data sharing and project applications, and hoped to establish cooperation partnership on data and software exchanges.