Fudan University, Shanghai, Biology, 1957-1962 (Undergraduate student; graduated);
Institute of Botany, CAS, Systematic botany, 1962-1966 (Graduate students);
Lund University, Sweden, Systematic botany, 1979-1981 (Visiting scholar).
Professional Experience:
1986-1991: Deputy director of Dept. of Plant Taxonomy and Geography.
1987-1991: Deputy director of Laboratory of Systematic and Evolution Botany, & Herbarium, Institute of Botany, CAS.
1991-2001: Director of Lab of Systematic & Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, CAS.
1999-:Director of College of Life Science Zhejiang University.
2001-:Vice co-chair of the editorial committee, 《Flora of China》.
1989-:Coeditor-in-Chief of Cathaya.
2000-:Director of the Department of Life Sciences, National Natural Science foundation of China.
Current Research Interests:
1)Monographic work on the genus Paeonia (peonies) in the world scale.
2)Conservation Biology of Some Endangered Plant Species in China,
which has greatly promoted the development of population genetics, population ecology, pollination biology and reproductive ecology in China.
3)Evolutionary biology of the genus Oryza.
4)Taxonomy of Campanulaceae for the world wide.
Honors and Awards:
1986: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (3rd grade).
1987: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (2nd grade).
1987: China National Natural Science Award (first grade).
1989: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (3rd grade).
1991: China National Natural Science Award (3rd grade).
1990: State recognized middle-aged Scientist with Outstanding Contribution.
1993: Distinguished supervisor of Ph.D. candidates (CAS).
1999: Distinguished supervisor of Ph. D. candidates (State).
2000:Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize.
Professional Activities:
1991: Elected as member of CAS (Academician).
1997: Correspondent member of the Botanical Society of America
1997: Correspondent member of the Botanical Society of Japan.
1998: Vice-Chairman of the Botanical Society of China.
Selected Publications:
1.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 19(3): 289-299.
2.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: Pollination biology of Paeonia jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (Paeoniaceae), with special emphasis on pollen and stigma biology.Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 130: 43-52.
3.Hong D Y, Pan KY, 1999: Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae).Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(4):351-368.(in Chinese with English summary)
4.Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999: Advances in the studies on the genus Oryza in China. Scientia Agricultura sinica.32(6):40-46.(in Chinese, with English summary)
5.Hong D Y, 2000: Biosystematics, its meaning and problem of Chinese translation.
a)Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38(5):490-496. (in Chinese )
6.Hong D Y, 2000: A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe.Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38(4):381-385. (in Chinese, with English summary)
7.Hong D Y, 2000: Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 24:Science Press & Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
8.Yu H, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000: Allozyme diversity and population genetic structure of Pinus densata Master in northwestern Yunnan, China.Bioch. Genet. 38(5/6): 138-146.
9.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 2000: Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis.Science in China (series C). 43(3):454-463.(in English)
10.Wang L Z, Hong, D.-Y. , 2000. Campanula gansuensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from China, and its systematic position.Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., (2000) 41: 159-163.(in English)
11.Hong D Y, Pan K Y and Rao G Y, 2001: Cytogeography and taxonomy of the Paeonia obovata polyploid complex.Pl. Syst. Evol. 227: 123-136.
12.Qian W, Ge S, Hong, D.-Y., 2001: Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers.Theor Appl.Genet. 102:440-449.
13.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001: Clonality in wild rice,Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) and its implications for conservation management.Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1058-1064.
14.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000: Low level of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice, Oryza granulata from China.Hereditas. 133:47-53.
15.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001: Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of Oryza rufipogon Griff.J. Pl. Res. 114:107-113.
16.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001: High levels of genetic differentiation of Oryza officinalis Wall. et Watt. from China.Journ. Hered. 92:511-516.
17.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001: Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii, a new combination and its biology.Novon, 11: 235-238
18.Hong D Y, 2001: Xizangia bartschioides (hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 39:544-546.
19.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001: Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 6:127-132. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
20.Song B H, Wang X Q, Li F Z, Hong D Y, 2001: Further evidence on polyphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol. 228:107-115.
21.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii, a new combination and its biology. Novon 11: 315-318
22.Qian W, Ge S**, Hong D Y, 2001. Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers. Theoretical and applied Genetics 102:440-449
23.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S**, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001. Clonality in wild rice, Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) and its implrcations for conservation management. American Journal of Botany 88(6):1058-1064
24.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.) : Flora of China. Vol. 6:127-132. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
25.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Sun L J, Hong D Y, Peng P H, 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Eco. 11: 1057-1063.
Prof. Hong De-Yuan
the Academician of CAS,
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xianshan, Beijing 100093, China,
Fudan University, Shanghai, Biology, 1957-1962 (Undergraduate student; graduated);
Institute of Botany, CAS, Systematic botany, 1962-1966 (Graduate students);
Lund University, Sweden, Systematic botany, 1979-1981 (Visiting scholar).
Professional Experience:
1986-1991: Deputy director of Dept. of Plant Taxonomy and Geography.
1987-1991: Deputy director of Laboratory of Systematic and Evolution Botany, & Herbarium, Institute of Botany, CAS.
1991-2001: Director of Lab of Systematic & Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, CAS.
1999-:Director of College of Life Science Zhejiang University.
2001-:Vice co-chair of the editorial committee, 《Flora of China》.
1989-:Coeditor-in-Chief of Cathaya.
2000-:Director of the Department of Life Sciences, National Natural Science foundation of China.
Current Research Interests:
1)Monographic work on the genus Paeonia (peonies) in the world scale.
2)Conservation Biology of Some Endangered Plant Species in China,
which has greatly promoted the development of population genetics, population ecology, pollination biology and reproductive ecology in China.
3)Evolutionary biology of the genus Oryza.
4)Taxonomy of Campanulaceae for the world wide.
Honors and Awards:
1986: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (3rd grade).
1987: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (2nd grade).
1987: China National Natural Science Award (first grade).
1989: CAS Science and Technology Advance Award (3rd grade).
1991: China National Natural Science Award (3rd grade).
1990: State recognized middle-aged Scientist with Outstanding Contribution.
1993: Distinguished supervisor of Ph.D. candidates (CAS).
1999: Distinguished supervisor of Ph. D. candidates (State).
2000:Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize.
Professional Activities:
1991: Elected as member of CAS (Academician).
1997: Correspondent member of the Botanical Society of America
1997: Correspondent member of the Botanical Society of Japan.
1998: Vice-Chairman of the Botanical Society of China.
Selected Publications:
1.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: A revision of the Paeonia suffruticosa complex (Paeoniaceae). Nord. J. Bot., 19(3): 289-299.
2.Zhou S L, Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 1999: Pollination biology of Paeonia jishanensis T. Hong & W. Z. Zhao (Paeoniaceae), with special emphasis on pollen and stigma biology.Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 130: 43-52.
3.Hong D Y, Pan KY, 1999: Taxonomical history and revision of Paeonia sect. Moutan (Paeoniaceae).Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37(4):351-368.(in Chinese with English summary)
4.Gao L Z, Hong D Y, 1999: Advances in the studies on the genus Oryza in China. Scientia Agricultura sinica.32(6):40-46.(in Chinese, with English summary)
5.Hong D Y, 2000: Biosystematics, its meaning and problem of Chinese translation.
a)Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38(5):490-496. (in Chinese )
6.Hong D Y, 2000: A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe.Acta Phytotax. Sin. 38(4):381-385. (in Chinese, with English summary)
7.Hong D Y, 2000: Commelinaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 24:Science Press & Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
8.Yu H, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000: Allozyme diversity and population genetic structure of Pinus densata Master in northwestern Yunnan, China.Bioch. Genet. 38(5/6): 138-146.
9.He X J, Ge S, Xu J M, Hong D Y, 2000: Phylogeny of Chinese Allium (Liliaceae) using PCR-RFLP analysis.Science in China (series C). 43(3):454-463.(in English)
10.Wang L Z, Hong, D.-Y. , 2000. Campanula gansuensis (Campanulaceae), a new species from China, and its systematic position.Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., (2000) 41: 159-163.(in English)
11.Hong D Y, Pan K Y and Rao G Y, 2001: Cytogeography and taxonomy of the Paeonia obovata polyploid complex.Pl. Syst. Evol. 227: 123-136.
12.Qian W, Ge S, Hong, D.-Y., 2001: Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers.Theor Appl.Genet. 102:440-449.
13.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001: Clonality in wild rice,Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) and its implications for conservation management.Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1058-1064.
14.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2000: Low level of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice, Oryza granulata from China.Hereditas. 133:47-53.
15.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001: Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of Oryza rufipogon Griff.J. Pl. Res. 114:107-113.
16.Gao L Z, Ge S, Hong D Y, 2001: High levels of genetic differentiation of Oryza officinalis Wall. et Watt. from China.Journ. Hered. 92:511-516.
17.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001: Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii, a new combination and its biology.Novon, 11: 235-238
18.Hong D Y, 2001: Xizangia bartschioides (hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 39:544-546.
19.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001: Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 6:127-132. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
20.Song B H, Wang X Q, Li F Z, Hong D Y, 2001: Further evidence on polyphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol. 228:107-115.
21.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii, a new combination and its biology. Novon 11: 315-318
22.Qian W, Ge S**, Hong D Y, 2001. Genetic variation within and among populations of a wild rice Oryza granulata from China detected by RAPD and ISSR markers. Theoretical and applied Genetics 102:440-449
23.Xie Z W, Lu Y Q, Ge S**, Hong D Y, Li F Z, 2001. Clonality in wild rice, Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) and its implrcations for conservation management. American Journal of Botany 88(6):1058-1064
24.Hong D Y, Pan K Y, 2001. Paeoniaceae. In Wu Z Y & Raven P H (eds.) : Flora of China. Vol. 6:127-132. Science Press and Missouri Botanic Garden Press.
25.Song B H, Wang X Q, Wang X R, Sun L J, Hong D Y, Peng P H, 2002. Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Eco. 11: 1057-1063.
the Academician of CAS,
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xianshan, Beijing 100093, China,