2011 monitoring and research tasks were successfully completed as planned in BFERS (Beijing Forest Ecosystem Research Station), including the following five aspects: 1)In monitoring, field monitoring and laboratory sample analysis tasks of water, soil, atmosphere and biological factors were accomplished on time according to CERN requirements; At the same time we cooperated with each CERN sub-center to improve quality control system of stations monitoring data. We also published "Datasets of China Ecology Observation and Reaserch, volume of Forest Ecosystem Beijing Forest (2000-2006)"; 2) In constructions of the research Monitoring platform, the litter collect traps and derometers were installed in 20 hectares permanent sample plot for the biodiversity monitoring to the warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest ecosystem in Dongling Mountain area, Beijing. Funding by the Key Laboratory, we perchaced a set of automatic weather station and soil respiration monitoring system and built 9 artificial climate chambers for the reaseach of temperate forest ecosystem structure and function under climate change; 3) In scientific researches, we sorted out the monitoring data of 20 hectares permanent sample plot and 4 of 1 hectares fellow polts to clarify the structure and mechanism to maintain biodiversity in the warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest ecosystem. We carried out an artificial simulation experiment to study precipitation and nitrogen influence on invasive ability of alien species in the station greenhouse, and then explored the formation mechanism of biological invasion in global change conditions. Simultaneously, we carrred out the field observation and sample collection for the forst cabon project . We also studied underground root biomass in the main forest using a ground-penetrating radar technique; 4)In international cooperation, Professor Jan Axamacher (University College London, England) developed the researches on nutrition relationships between plant and insect, biodiversity maintaining in the warm temperate forest ecosystem. Furthermore he signed relevant agreement with Professor Weiguo Sang to cultivate a doctor candidate; 5)In social practices, BFERS together with the Earth Wartch Institute completed eight plants and climate science research volunteer activities, which received near 200 volunteers. Simultaneously, we exerted the value of the wild-station platform to communicate and collaborate with graduate schools and universities at home and abroad. In 2010, we received near 400 undergraduate to Specialty Practices, who respectively came from University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing Forestry University and Minzu University of China.

Location:Home > Research > Supporting System
Beijing Forest Ecosystem Research Station, CAS(CERN Station)
Institute of Botany, CAS Add: No.20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, China
京ICP备16067583号-24 Tel: +86 10 6283 6215 Fax: +86 10 6259 0833 E-mail: Int_Office@ibcas.ac.cn
京ICP备16067583号-24 Tel: +86 10 6283 6215 Fax: +86 10 6259 0833 E-mail: Int_Office@ibcas.ac.cn