“Asian Plant Conservation Report 2010: A Review of Progress in Implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)”, which was compiled by Dr. MA Keping from the Institute of Botany, CAS, was released at the IUCN 5th Asia Regional Conservation Forum 2011 on 28th, Sep. in Incheon, Republic of Korea. 36 experts from Korea, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Nepal and China attended the press conference.
The press conference was chaired by Mr. Raquibul Amin, Ecosystems & Livelihoods Ⅱ, IUCN Asia. Dr. MA Keping, the secretary-general of Chinese National Committee for DIVERSITAS, Mr. Javed Jabbar, the vice president of IUCN and Ms. Aban Marker Kabraji, Regional Director, IUCN Asia Region presented at the press conference and gave speeches.
“Regional cooperation for conservation of plant diversity is essential to halt the overall loss of biodiversity in Asia, and hope this booklet would be translated into local language by related countries”, said Mr. Javed Jabbar. This report is the first booklet on progress assessment of regional plant conservation and it is an important reference for Parties to the CBD to compile plant conservation progress reports on national levels.
The book was published by Higher Education Press of China in Chinese and English under a section- by- section synopsis. Section 1 introduces the GSPC. Section 2 and 3 contains some basic information about the features of plant diversity in Asia. Major threats to plant diversity in Asia are also reviewed in Section 4. And also here is two features of this booklet: one is the map on progress made by each Asia country; and the other is the case study to demonstrate the progress made under each target.
The future strategies for plant conservation in Asia are also presented in this book, it should take into account the following aspects: also take note of the national priorities in developing activities and milestones to achieve. The future strategies should pay much attention to sustainable use of plant diversity in Asia, and set priority on technological innovation to enable plant diversity and human population to adapt to global climate change. Countries in Asia should develop sub-regional or regional cooperation in plant conservation.
“We hope we could evaluate the plant conservation in Asia every 5 years, and the Asian Plant Conservation Report be a series.” Prof. Ma mentioned.
Chinese National Committee for DIVERSITAS (an international program of biodiversity science) was founded in Oct. 2004 and is an academic organization for coordinating and conducting local activities of DIVERSITAS in China. The Chinese Academy of Sciences chairs the CNC-DIVERSITAS, with members from related ministries and universities IUCN China Working Group is attached to CNC-DIVERSITAS at the moment.
Notes to editors:
This report is a collaborative work led by Councillor Dr. MA Keping, Secretary General for CNC-Diversitas and IUCN Asia Regional Office.
To view the detail progress of plant conservation in Asian countries, please refer to
www.nature-museum.net/file/ASPC_English_Compressed.pdf for the English version.
For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:
Liu Yinan, Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yinan@ibcas.ac.cn
Tel: +86- 10- 62836629

“Asian Plant Conservation Report 2010: A Review of Progress in Implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)”, which was compiled by Dr. MA Keping from the Institute of Botany, CAS, was released at the IUCN 5th Asia Regional Conservation Forum 2011 on 28th, Sep. in Incheon, Republic of Korea. 36 experts from Korea, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Nepal and China attended the press conference.
The press conference was chaired by Mr. Raquibul Amin, Ecosystems & Livelihoods Ⅱ, IUCN Asia. Dr. MA Keping, the secretary-general of Chinese National Committee for DIVERSITAS, Mr. Javed Jabbar, the vice president of IUCN and Ms. Aban Marker Kabraji, Regional Director, IUCN Asia Region presented at the press conference and gave speeches.
“Regional cooperation for conservation of plant diversity is essential to halt the overall loss of biodiversity in Asia, and hope this booklet would be translated into local language by related countries”, said Mr. Javed Jabbar. This report is the first booklet on progress assessment of regional plant conservation and it is an important reference for Parties to the CBD to compile plant conservation progress reports on national levels.
The book was published by Higher Education Press of China in Chinese and English under a section- by- section synopsis. Section 1 introduces the GSPC. Section 2 and 3 contains some basic information about the features of plant diversity in Asia. Major threats to plant diversity in Asia are also reviewed in Section 4. And also here is two features of this booklet: one is the map on progress made by each Asia country; and the other is the case study to demonstrate the progress made under each target.
The future strategies for plant conservation in Asia are also presented in this book, it should take into account the following aspects: also take note of the national priorities in developing activities and milestones to achieve. The future strategies should pay much attention to sustainable use of plant diversity in Asia, and set priority on technological innovation to enable plant diversity and human population to adapt to global climate change. Countries in Asia should develop sub-regional or regional cooperation in plant conservation.
“We hope we could evaluate the plant conservation in Asia every 5 years, and the Asian Plant Conservation Report be a series.” Prof. Ma mentioned.
Chinese National Committee for DIVERSITAS (an international program of biodiversity science) was founded in Oct. 2004 and is an academic organization for coordinating and conducting local activities of DIVERSITAS in China. The Chinese Academy of Sciences chairs the CNC-DIVERSITAS, with members from related ministries and universities IUCN China Working Group is attached to CNC-DIVERSITAS at the moment.
Notes to editors:
This report is a collaborative work led by Councillor Dr. MA Keping, Secretary General for CNC-Diversitas and IUCN Asia Regional Office.
To view the detail progress of plant conservation in Asian countries, please refer to
www.nature-museum.net/file/ASPC_English_Compressed.pdf for the English version.
For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:
Liu Yinan, Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yinan@ibcas.ac.cn
Tel: +86- 10- 62836629