The expression of caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase in two wheat genotypes differing in lodging resistance
Journal of Experimental Botany
Vol. 60 Issue 9 Page 2763-2771
Impact Factor: 4.001
Stem lodging-resistance is an important phenotype in crop production. In the present study, the expression of the wheat COMT gene (TaCM) was determined in basal second internodes of lodging-resistant (H4564) and lodging-susceptible (C6001) cultivars at stem elongation, heading, and milky endosperm corresponding to Zadoks stages Z37, Z60, and Z75, respectively. The TaCM protein levels were analysed by protein gel blot and COMT enzyme activity was determined during the same stem developmental stages. TaCM mRNA levels were higher in H4546 from elongation to the milky stages and in C6001 the TaCM mRNA levels decreased markedly at the heading and milky stages. The TaCM protein levels and COMT activity were also higher in H4564 than that in C6001 at the heading and milky stages. These results corresponded to a higher lignin content measured by the Klason method and stem strength and a lower lodging index in H4564 than in C6001 at the heading and milky stages. Therefore, the TaCM mRNA levels, protein levels, and enzyme activity in developing wheat stems were associated with stem strength and lodging index in these two wheat cultivars. Southern analysis in a different population suggested that a TaCM locus was located in the distal region of chromosome 3BL, which has less investigated by QTL for lodging-resistant phenotype.

The expression of caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase in two wheat genotypes differing in lodging resistance
Journal of Experimental Botany
Vol. 60 Issue 9 Page 2763-2771
Impact Factor: 4.001
Stem lodging-resistance is an important phenotype in crop production. In the present study, the expression of the wheat COMT gene (TaCM) was determined in basal second internodes of lodging-resistant (H4564) and lodging-susceptible (C6001) cultivars at stem elongation, heading, and milky endosperm corresponding to Zadoks stages Z37, Z60, and Z75, respectively. The TaCM protein levels were analysed by protein gel blot and COMT enzyme activity was determined during the same stem developmental stages. TaCM mRNA levels were higher in H4546 from elongation to the milky stages and in C6001 the TaCM mRNA levels decreased markedly at the heading and milky stages. The TaCM protein levels and COMT activity were also higher in H4564 than that in C6001 at the heading and milky stages. These results corresponded to a higher lignin content measured by the Klason method and stem strength and a lower lodging index in H4564 than in C6001 at the heading and milky stages. Therefore, the TaCM mRNA levels, protein levels, and enzyme activity in developing wheat stems were associated with stem strength and lodging index in these two wheat cultivars. Southern analysis in a different population suggested that a TaCM locus was located in the distal region of chromosome 3BL, which has less investigated by QTL for lodging-resistant phenotype.