Prof. Kang Chong's lab revealed interesting epigenetic modifications in regulating
flowering in plants. The histone H4R3 symmetric dimethylation controls flowering time in Arabidopsis. The investigators found that gene expression is regulated by methylation of histone of chromatin. The histone arginine methyltransferase SKB1 methylates H4R3 in symmetric dimethylation. The results indicated that SKB1 binds to the FLC promoter and catalyzes symmetric dimethylation in H4R3 to promote flowering. This is the first report showing that H4R3 symmetric dimethylation regulates flower development ( EMBO J, 2007 ).
Figure Expression patern of SKB1 gene. RNA in situ hybridization analysis indicated SKB1 expressed in shoot apex, young leaves and leaf primordia, floral and inflorescence meristems, but not as much in older leaves, petals and vascular tissues. This expression pattern was similar to that of genes affecting flowering transition.