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The second phase of the cooperation agreement signed with the French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Research
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Recently, during the visit to France, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Yaping Zhang, attended the signing ceremony for the second phase of the cooperation agreement between the Institute of Botany, CAS, and the French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Research (INRAE) for the Sino-French Joint Laboratory of Grape and Wine (LIA Innogrape). Present at the event were Ms. Yan Wu, Deputy Director of the Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS, Mr. Zhitao Ru, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Department, Dr. Zhenchang Liang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Botany and Director of the Chinese side of the Sino-French Joint Laboratory of Grape and Wine, Dr. Wenqiang Yang, Deputy Director of the Institute, representatives from the Science and Technology Section of the Chinese Embassy in France, and relevant scientific research personnel from the grape and wine science and technology development team of the Institute.

Dr. Zhenchang Liang, the Chinese Director of the Sino-French Joint Laboratory of Grape and Wine, and Dr. Nadali Oula, the French Director, presented the preliminary cooperation achievements of the joint laboratory and the development plan for the second phase. Dr. Wenqiang Yang expressed that the French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Research was an important strategic partner of the Institute of Botany, which had a long history of grape research, and he expected that future cooperation between the two sides would yield even more fruitful results. The Director of INRAE, Dr. Morgane, stated that the international joint laboratory represented the highest level of international cooperation for his institute. He highly praised the participation of the Institute of Botany in the Sino-French Joint Laboratory of Grape and Wine (LIA Innogrape) and expressed his hope that future collaborations with Chinese partners would continue to expand under the model of the Sino-French joint laboratory.

Contributions to this article were made by the Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Economic Botany, the Botanical Garden, and the Department of Science and Technology


DAI Zhanwu

Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences 


E-mail: zhanwu.dai@ibcas.ac.cn

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