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2021 Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong Joint Symposium on Ecology and Biodiversity held online
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Recently, 2021 Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong Joint Symposium on Ecology and Biodiversity was held through the online channel. The symposium was jointly supported by the Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Division of Ecology and Biodiversity, the University of Hong Kong (HKU). A total of 560 people participated in the symposium online.

The opening session was moderated by Prof. Simon Sin from HKU, with two invited speakers. Prof. Keping Ma, general secretary of Biodiversity Committee, CAS, from the Institute of Botany, CAS, gave an opening speech to overview the recent achievements of biodiversity research made in Mainland China. Prof. Peng Gong, Vice President of HKU, also addressed a welcome speech, with a strong wish that more conversations and collaborations between Mainland and Hong Kong scientists can be made now and future.

Twenty-three academic talks were subsequently delivered, which fell into the four sessions: climate change and biodiversity responses; remote sensing technology and observational network for global change ecology; terrestrial animals and global change responses; marine biology and global change responses. These talks centered around the research topic of biodiversity and global change response, covering a wide range of study systems from microbes, insects, fish, birds to plants of different functional groups, natural and managed ecosystems from marine to forest and urban, and research techniques from fine-scale molecular biotechnology to large-scale remote sensing observations and geospatial modeling.

At the closing ceremony, Prof. Keping Ma and Prof. Tim Bonebrake, from HKU, each gave a closing speech, emphasizing that the symposium of this kind could be a very good platform to help the researchers and students from both Mainland and Hong Kong to know better of each other and even initiate the collaborations from now on. They also proposed to formalize this symposium to be held on a regular basis in the future.

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