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Executive Secretary of GBIF Visited Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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 On April 12, 2013, Mr. Donald Hobern, the Executive Secretary of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) visited Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences (BC-CAS) and had a meeting with Prof. Keping Ma, Secretary-General of BC-CAS, and Prof. Liqiang Ji, Vice Secretary-General of BC-CAS.

Prof. Ma gave a warm welcome to Mr. Donald Hobern and introduced the on-going biodiversity informatics projects of BC-CAS, such as Species 2000 China Node, Encyclopedia of Life China (EOL-China), National Specimen Information Infrastructure (NSII), Chinese Virtual Herbarium (CVH), and Asia Biodiversity Conservation and Database Network (ABCDNet). Mr. Donald Hobern presented the progress that GBIF had made through cooperating with different organizations in different countries. The main purpose of his visit was to seek the opportunity to cooperate with China and promote the development of biodiversity informatics globally.

After the meeting, Mr. Donald Hobern gave an open talk and detailed the activities, facilities and information services of GBIF, as well as the future development of global biodiversity informatics. Prof. Ma expressed that he would like to promote bilateral cooperation which will bring mutual benefit[g1] and improve biodiversity informatics development in China and even in Asia.

GBIF is an international organization that focuses on making scientific data on biodiversity available via the internet using web services. The data are provided by many institutions from around the world; GBIF's information architecture makes these data accessible and searchable through a single portal.


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