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The China Event of World Wide Views on Biodiversity held at Institute of Botany
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World Wide Views (WWViews) on biodiversity, which was launched by Danish Board of Technology, was held at 34 sites of 25 countries all over the world on 15th Sept, 2012. The China event was hosted by Institute of Botany and Biodiversity Committee of The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Wei Wei from Institute of Botany, organized and chaired this event as the head facilitator.

Secretary-General Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias videoed online, and introduced the biodiversity goal of the ten years from 2011 to 2020. The deputy director CAI Lei, Biodiversity Office of Ministry of Environmental Protection, attended the meeting and delivered a short speech.

Dr. QIN Hai-ning from Institute of Botany presented a talk about biodiversity information and the current status of biodiversity in China. Dr. XUE Da-yuan, Professor of Minzu University of China and the chief-expert of biodiversity of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, presented the content and history of the international protocol on access to genetic resources and benefits sharing in details The event included four parts: play videos, have discussions, solve problems, and evaluate the event..

The China event was carried out on National Science Popularization Day, which was significant to spread and popularize the information of biodiversity. The event attracted around 100 lay people from all parts of the country (including Taiwan). The participants come from all walks of life, aging from 16 to 76 years old.

The event was reported by Capital Economy Report of BTV (Beijing television station)Business Channel, China Green Times, Chinese Science Daily, Sohu.com website respectively.

 Invited speakers. left: CAI Lei, Middle: QIN Hai-ning; Right: XUE Da-yuan


 Participants are active in discussion and thinking


 A view of the meeting room

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