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The Academician HONG De-Yuan was awarded the Lachlan Macquarie Medal of the Australian Royal Botanical Garden &Domain Trust
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The Academician HONG De-Yuan from Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences was awarded the Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust Lachlan Macquarie Medal on May 8th, 2012. The Lachlan Macquarie Medal honours Governor Lachlan Macquarie who established the Australian Royal Botanic Garden, and for the garden’s 200-years anniversary in 2012. Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust Executive Director Professor David Mabberley said the Medal will be awarded biennially and anyone can propose names of outstanding individuals who have demonstrated excellence, recognized internationally, in any aspect of the business of modern botanic gardens: conservation, plant or environmental science, horticulture or landscape management, public education involving plants or environmental science.Recognizing of Hong’s outstanding achievement in plant biodiversity and selected by the nomination committee, the Academician HONG De-Yuan was awarded this medal as the first winner all over the world.

The medal was presented by Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO, Governor of New South Wales at Government House. Governor Bashir appreciated Professor Hong as a leader in Chinese plant sciences and his remarkable contribution in plant biodiversityand systematicshas been well-known worldwide, that leading him as the winner of this award.The Chinese Consul General in Sydney, Mr. Duan Jie-Long attended the ceremony. After the awarding ceremony, Prof. Hong gave a speech on “Development and Prospect of Botany in China”.

This exciting news has been extensively reported on various public media, for example, the news was released in time on over 130 famous websites, including Yahoo, Yahoo Canada and Yahoo Singapore.  In addition, four Chinese newspapers in Australia have reported the story online, so did manyAustralian English printed media as Cosmos Science Magazine, Science Illustrated, ABC Radio, Robyn Williams, Ockham’s Razor, Suburban Newspaper and Gardening Magazine, etc.
 Academician HONG De-Yuan was awarded the medal by Governor Bashir
 Macquarie medal

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