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IUCN China Members and Partners Reception Held in Beijing
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IUCN China members and partners reception was held on May 8th, 2012. More than 90 participants from 55 government agencies, NGOs and academia attended the reception. It was chaired by IUCN Councilor, Prof. Keping Ma of the Institute of Botany, CAS.

Ms. Aban Marker Kabraji, the Director of IUCN Asia Regional Office, kicked off the reception by briefly introducing the preparation of the 5th World Conservation Conference (WCC). Themed “Nature+ “, WCC will be held in Jeju, Korea on Sep. 6- 15th, 2012, with Conservation Forum and Members Assembly. The Biodiversity Committee, CAS will organize a roundtable discussion on “Compiling of the Catalogue of Life and Red List of Species”. During the Members Assembly, IUCN President and Councilors will be elected. Mr. Xinsheng Zhang, the former Deputy Minister of Education is one of the only two candidates for IUCN President, and Prof. Keping Ma is a candidate for IUCN Councilors in Asia.

Dr. Keping Ma briefly introduced Mr. Xinsheng Zhang, and called on IUCN members for supporting Mr. Zhang’s running for IUCN President. In a wonderful speech, Mr. Zhang emphasized the unprecedented importance of IUCN and its vision, by pointing out the world is facing enormous challenges and opportunities. Climate change, urbanization and modernization caused species decline sharply. It brings us work very closely with IUCN, to be their partners, members and supporters no matter where we are from. Viewing as the beginning of his new life, Mr. Zhang hoped his running will contribute more to environmental protection.

Ms. Aban Marker Kabraji announced the formal establishment of IUCN China Country Office, and introduced its first Chief Representative, Dr. Chunquan Zhu. Dr. Zhu briefly reviewed the programs carried out by IUCN China Office since 2009 using the Ecological Protection Program of Miyun Reservoir as an example, and highlighted IUCN program framework for 2013-2016. The reception was successful and marked a new starting point for IUCN’s development in China.

                                     (Biodiversity Committee, CAS)

Mr. Xinsheng Zhang_Candidate for__ IUCN President


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