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The Scientists of Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) Headquarter Visit IOB
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On Nov. 15 -17, 2010, deputy director of the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project (BHL) headquarter, the librarian of the Smithsonian Library of the United States, Mr. Martin Kalfatovic, made a visit to Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences for a 3-day workshop on the Biodiversity Informatics.

After the discussion with Dr. Jinzhong Cui, the head of BHL-China workgroup. Mr. Martin Kalfatovic conveyed a newly-made decision: to facilitate the management and promotion of the unity of BHL based on the establishment of a global committee. BHL-China, as an important member of the global committee, would at higher level be involved in the development of the entire project. Ms. Keri Thompson takes the Smithsonian Library as an example showing the detailed book scanning workflow.

Up to now, BHL-China totally collected more than 2,000 copies of digital books, extracting more than 1.10 million “scientific species name - Page" records. The automatically scanner machine Scribe provided by the Internet Archive (USA) has been installed and put into application. Some problems and experiences on how to improve the workflow and increase the overall efficiency were also discussed.

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