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International cooperation of IOB in 2008
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In 2008, according to the “International cooperation program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”, under the guidance of “2008 annual key points for scientific and technologic international cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”, IOB took "independence, cooperation and mutual benefit" as its principle to expand the breadth and depth of international cooperation. The all-round and substantive collaboration in science and technology between IOB and institutions from scientifically developed countries and areas such as Europe, the United States, Japan, Russia, and Australia is deepening, and exchanges and cooperation between IOB and Asian-African countries, especially developing countries, has been expanded greatly.

Currently, IOB is carrying out 53 long-term international cooperative projects; 4 projects were newly approved in 2008. The total research funds for international cooperation were 3 M yuan. IOB conducted two projects of the EC 6th framework programme. The Sino-Euro project “Field experiment on forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in subtropical China” and Sino-Germany project “Matter fluxes in grasslands of Inner Mongolia, as influenced by stocking rate” (MAGIM) proceeded successfully, and 19 and 28 foreign researchers, respectively, visited China to conduct research work on these projects in 2008. Aiming at strengthening further cooperation on plant systematics, IOB and the Indian Academy of Sciences jointly held a bilateral symposium in Lucknow, Scotland, in November 2008. The China-aid project for the Mongolian ecological field station went smoothly as well.

IOB has maintained a long-term cooperative relationship with the Missouri Botanical Garden, USA; the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden and the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, U.K.  IOB signed a cooperative agreement with the Korean Nationalarboretum in 2008. Headed by Dr. Peter Raven, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Deyuan Hong, a member of CAS, the project on the English version of the “Flora of China” which is co-conducted by our institute and the Missouri Botanical Garden has finished No. 7 and No. 11 text volumes, including the 46 families, 296 genus and 2660 species; published the illustration volume No.11~13; and completed the manuscript for 15 families and 691 species.

In 2008, IOB sponsored 3 international conferences and undertook a China-aid international training course for the first time. This training course focused on the establishment of ecosystem field station and research work involved, compounded the indoor lectures and fieldwork practice, and achieved very good effect. Many renowned experts, including CAS members gave lectures to the participants, and 21 trainees from 15 Asian and African developing countries attended the courses.

In 2008, 120 researchers from IOB visited other countries or regions, and 140 foreigners visited IOB for investigation or cooperative research projects. In total, 75 papers were published in international journals that were completed jointly by researchers inside and outside of China through the way of international cooperation and communication. In 2008, 8 cooperative agreements were signed, 8 scientists of 32 were newly serving in international organizations and journals.

Institute of Botany, CAS    Add: No.20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, China
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